FAQ’s…The MOST asked questions…

Do I have the “right” kind of hair to rock dreadlocks?

YES. Yes. And Yes!!!

Whether you have thin, thick, straight, or curly hair….you can ABSOLUTELY “lock” it up. Dreadlocks are NOT discriminatory to ANY ONE group.

With a little bit of patience and by using a combination of “back-combing,” palm-rolling, and crocheting, we can create the loc’s you’ve always wanted.

Can I wash my dreadlocks?

The BIG question you WILL get asked the most.
YES! You absolutely can wash your dreadlocks. I actually ENCOURAGE cleaning your dreads regularly. Your washing routine will definitely differ from when you weren’t “loc’ed” up, but cleaning your dreads is a MUST. The frequency in which you wash your dreadlocks will differ from person to person, but all in all, you want your scalp and dreads to remain clean and free from build-up, residue, and anything else that may get trapped inside your locs.

Using a residue-free, conditioner-free, sulfate-free shampoo is HIGHLY recommended so that build-up in the bodies of your dreads does NOT occur.

Information online will give you MANY differing suggestions for WHICH TYPES of shampoos and products to use in your dreadlocks, but ONE thing that remains FALSE is: ONE dreadlock shampoo FITS ALL. Everyone’s scalp is different, which is why after your INITIAL install, I will evaluate your scalp’s reaction to your new dreads. Together, we will come up with a washing regime in order to make sure your pH is balanced and your scalp is happy and healthy.

Which methods does Gold-E Locs use to start dreadlocks?

I use a combination of back-combing, palm-rolling, and crocheting, in order to help knot -up and manipulate your hair into the formation of dreadlocks. There are many different methods of dreadlocking hair, but I chose to be FREE from using gels, waxes, or products during my installation process. If you have oily or “stubborn” hair, I will spritz your hair with Dollylocks Tightening spray prior to installing, but then and ONLY THEN.

How long does my hair need to be to get dreadlocks?

I recommend hair that is 5 inches in length MINIMUM. If your hair is SHORTER than the recommended length, I will ONLY install dreadlocks IF you are also installing extensions (in which i recommend 3-4 inches minimum).

THE SHORTER your hair is, the more difficult it is to dread. The LONGER your hair is, the easier your hair is to be manipulated, back-combed, and dreaded.

If I am installing SYNTHETIC temporary dreadlocks, I require 2-3 inches minimum.

What if I decide I don’t want dreadlocks anymore…Do I have to SHAVE my head?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! You do not have to shave your head, HOWEVER, you can if you wish to rock that beautiful head of yours! For those who do not want to shave their head, combing your dreads out is an option. However, understand that combing out your dreads can be very time-consuming and also painful towards the root. With a lot of time and patience, combing out your dreads can be done in sessions. I charge $95 an hour in order to comb out dreadlocks.

Will I lose a TON of length when I get my dreads installed?

Depending on the thickness of your hair, the answer to this question may differ. This question is dependent on whether you have layered hair, thick/thin hair, damaged hair, etc. The thicker your hair is, the less-likely your are to losing any length. Keep in mind that you may lose up to a 1/4- 1/3 of your length during the back-combing process, but I do my best to keep as much length as possible.

Adding REAL-hair extensions to your dreads is an option I recommend for anyone who wants to keep length in their new dreads. I crochet real human-hair extensions into your dreadlocks that can last a year or longer, depending on your care and attention to them. it’s also important to understand that during the maturation process, sometimes your dreads will go through a “shrinkage” phase. This is NORMAL.

My dreads are frizzy and crazy and WILD, when will my dreads look like REAL DREADS?

Just like through life, we go through ups and downs….dreads are the SAME. Part of the process….part of the journey….is embracing the good, the bad, and the ugly…the same is true during your dread journey.

The maturation of your dreads is different person to person. There is NO EXACT time frame that your dreads will mature….but your dreadlocks are generally mature within 1-3 years time. I urge you to push through the “baby” and “teenage” stage of dreadlocks…they WILL eventually settle down and grow up past the frizzy and wild stage.

Maintaining a REGULAR maintenance schedule will help tame some of those fly-away and loose hairs that escape from your dread bodies. While this is a temporary fix, understanding that it is all a part of the process will benefit you long-term. OVER-maintaining your dreadlocks can actually cause more damage than good in the beginning stages of your dread journey.

What if I’m UNSURE about committing to dreadlocks?

If you are unsure about committing to dreadlocks, there is always TEMPORARY dreadlocks. Instead of going ALL-IN, you can try out synthetic dreadlocks to see how you feel about it. While it’s NOT the same thing as REAL dreadlocks, you can get a feel for the look and it’s ONLY temporary.

Temporary Dreadlocks can be made to order and then BRAIDED into your natural hair. OR you can bring in your own synthetics and schedule an appointment for your personal set to be installed. These only last for about 4-8 weeks and will need to be removed as your natural hair grows. Leaving synthetic dreadlocks in for TOO LONG can cause matting at the roots and make them more difficult to remove at your removal appointment. You can also remove your synthetic dreadlocks on your own if you choose to.